flash_on Anuncios

Adobe Max Opener 2010

3D visualisation new 3D API from Galdric on Vimeo.

Mike Chambers asked me already in April this year if I would like to do it. He had the idea of Erik Natzke generating art, me doing live coding and a DJ playing music. Eric Clark has been a fantastic supporter of Audiotool so I thought it would be really nice to have him do it. Luckily he agreed.

The program I wrote was actually quite simple. It was a subdivided plane in 3D space and I was drawing the audio feed I got from Eric Clark onto a BitmapData. That BitmapData was used as a heightmap for the vertices of the plane. In fact each pixel was assigned to exactly one vertex. That way I could get a really nice and smooth terrain. Thanks to Molehill this was rendering even at 1920×1080 without any hickups.


Fué un performance increible, todo gracias a flash 🙂

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I like this web site its a master peace ! Glad I discovered this on google .

weight on supplement

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Josué Palma 2019

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