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The AS3 YouTube Chromeless Player!

Previous to this release, ActionScript 3 developers had to rely on wrapper libraries that bridged the gap between the native ActionScript 2 API and their own ActionScript 3 code. We’re thrilled that intrepid developers were able to patch things together on their own and share their code with the rest of the community. Now that there’s official support for using the chromeless player from ActionScript 3, everyone should have more time to focus on writing compelling Flash applications, rather than dealing with the unique issues that cross-language coding entails.


Soporte nativo para as3!, no mas proxy scripts, sandbox errors, as2 y esas cosas molestas que tenias que hacer 🙂

Lo vi ayer y no me dio tiempo de postearlo, llega justo a tiempo para un par de proyectos que traigo aunque YouTube se tardó demasiado


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Josué Palma 2019

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