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Away3D Lite 1

La mas rápida y pequeña libreria 3d para flash

Away3D Lite is not meant as a replacement for the standard Away3D libraries. Because of it’s use of the native 3D features in the Flash 10 Player, Away3D Lite is Flash 10 only, so the development of Away3D 2.5 & 3.5 will continue as usual. These engines are more of a workhorse for many different purposes and with many different features, while Away3D Lite offers the choice to be fast and small at the sacrifice of features. This is not to say that you can’t do anything with Away3D Lite! The list of main supported features in 1.0 includes:

  • 3DS, MD2, Collada & Metasequoia loaders
  • Bones animation
  • Viewport clipping
  • 3d mouse events
  • All standard primitive types
  • All standard camera types
  • All standard material types
  • Template classes for quick and easy setup


Probemos 🙂

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Josué Palma 2019

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