flash_on Anuncios

Notes from FlashForward 2006 keynote

– FlashLite 2. (AS2, FP7 calibre)

– FlashCast – hope to see in US soon. Channels, and data loads in background, so you get instant responsiveness, unlike WAP where you have to wait.

– Emulators in Flash authoring updated for FlashLite 2.

– FP8.5, two VMs. AS2 is AVM1 and AS3 in AVM2. Highly optimized for actionscript in new VM that is written from scratch. Aligning AS with ECMAScript standards. Participating in the working group.


Interesante todo lo nuevo, aunque yo espero mas sobre Apollo del que creo no he escrito psot aqui,. en un rato lo hago…

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